A sample list of my articles. In several cases versions of the same article appear in multiple magazines:

Labor Pains: The 1962 Battle Over Canadian Health Care--an Interview with Dr. Staff Barootes

Available here.
Whole Earth Review  Winter 1995
Z Magazine  February 1996
PNHP Newsletter  July 1996

Frank Zappa Interview (written with Batya Friedman)

You can find multiple pirated versions of this article on the Internet. A nice one is here.
A pdf of the Progressive article is here.
The Progressive  November 1986
Wire Magazine  December 1986
Option Magazine  Jan/Feb 1987 (part 1, cover article)
Option Magazine  Mar/Apr 1987 (part 2)
Democracy in Print: The Best of the Progressive Magazine  (book)  2009

The Best New Works Festival in the Galaxy

Howlround   November 2014

The Grand Unification Theory of Theatre Reviewing

Howlround   November 2015

Where Have We Read This Before?

Phoenix Journal   March 1992

Add Color to Your Apps With Colored Controls

Visual C++ Developer   December 1999

Drag and Drop Without OLE

Visual C++ Developer   December 1999

How to 13P

The Dramatist   July/August 2009